6.7 Material*
To this respect Siza says in 1988: “I am not sure what materials to choose. Ideas come to me as immaterial, as lines on white paper, and when I want to fix them I have doubts, they escape, they wait at a distance. (…) those who are more capable allow the things that they thought of – as material – to adhere to the material that they did not think of. There they stay, until the first storms lay bare what was only to be expected: they do not exist.” (Siza, 1997, p.201-202) To Siza materials are not in the idea drawn, they are not in the competitions  drawings.
Sometimes only textures or surfaces appear. They are defined later and reflect the needs of construction, sometimes influenced externally by a team effort to support and erect the building. On some projects (i.e. Malagueira Residential District, 1977-) Siza uses materials as statements of hierarchy of functions, within a house, a building or the city.

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Last modified: Thursday, 10 November 2022, 3:21 PM