The Scholarship Holder will carry out the following tasks:

  • Collaboration in the collection and survey of analog graphic elements and complementary bibliography;
  • Analysis and treatment of all graphic elements (technical/rigorous drawings and design sketches) about Malagueira;
  • Execution of digital models of the different housing typologies, equipment and public spaces, existing and planned;
  • Support the organization of project events;
  • Presentation of an article in a scientific journal, with the supervision of one of the members of the research project team.

Work Plan:

The researcher will be member of the project's research team, developing tasks necessary for its proper execution.

The activities to be carried out by the Grant holder consist of supporting, developing and carrying out scientific tasks foreseen in the Research Project «Malagueira: Heritage of All: Subsidies for its classification», with special focus on the activity «A3 - Representation, 3D Modeling and Mobile AR» from the project. The main objective is to provide the digital bases for new understandings about the built and unbuilt public projects of Malagueira.


The intension is to create a technological tool for the systematization of information (drawings, plans, maps, photographic images, videos and links) indispensable for the understanding and consultation by professionals, institutions and associations that seek a better and depth understanding about the history and meaning of Malagueira.

Last modified: Tuesday, 20 December 2022, 8:29 PM